Sunday, December 13, 2009

week 33 and week 35 pics.......puffy and patient.......Dutch's dad at the Lakewood service

I will start with the photo of Chad. His mom saw him on tv and took a pic with her phone and sent it out. Pretty amazing. He was in the procession (not sure if I am saying this all correctly) for the Lakewood police officers that were killed recenly. So amazing that he was able to go to the service and support the law enforcement community. I feel that everything that has been happening in WA regarding cops being killed is really affecting most people. Even those who just read about it. Between the 4 officers, they left behind 9 children. Chad said there was a part of the service when the kids all got up there and some of them spoke and he really lost it. He came home and told me how much he wants to meet Dutch and be a dad and its hard to think about that being taken away. I am so thankful for Chad and everyone in my life and I am greatful for every night and day he comes home safe.
As for the belly pics above, week 33 is on the bottom and week 35 which starts today are the one's in black. As you can clearly see, the water retention is ridiculous. I am having trouble finding shoes that will fit the tops of my feet because they are so huge. I managed to paint my toe nails last night but it was not easy. I had to roll around and basically practice lamaze breathing with each toe. I had to put some polish on though because my feet look like they belong to Frodo. They are huge and Chad cant even look at them without cracking up. I do still have my wedding ring on but I think at this point it would not come off anyways. I think for the most part I am feeling pretty good. I am excited that Dutch is almost here and we are pretty much ready for him. Bag was packed yesterday and his clothes are all washed, etc. The only other big complaint is back aches. I really feel it by the end of the day in my back because of how huge my belly is. I have kept up my walking daily but today I decided it is not helping me at this point. By the time I get home from a walk- my back and feet are killing me. My friend Kelly suggested swimming but there is no way I am going to a public place in a swim suit for many reasons.
Dutch is due on Jan 17 but Chad and I are both hoping he comes early. Chad is convinced he will come on Jan 10 because that is Chad's bday. I just hope he comes before the 12th because Cortney will be home until then. Otherwise she wont meet him for months and that is not cool! Our next appt is Dec 21st and they are going to do the Group B strep test. Hopefully they will be able to tell me an estimate on when he will come out. I honestly never thought I would be excited for him to come out. You always hear that at the end of a woman's pregnancy she is "ready" and feels huge and is uncomfortable. I never really understood that until I am now feeling all of those things. I remember seeing Chad's sister Rachel when she was about 9 months prego and I thought she looked great and I did not understand the frusteration on her face. I now understand. :) It is heavy and SO frusterating to not be able to move around like you want to. I have days when I am afraid of labor and days when I think.....I can do this and it is going to be amazing. I really do think excitement is the main emotion at this point. I think if you asked Chad what he thought my main emotion would be, he would say "irritated or exhausted." He is the one who really gets to hear all of my complaints and he handles it so well. I am very very lucky to have him and I cant wait to see him as a dad.

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