Wednesday, November 25, 2009

8 showers, crib set up and a happy placenta

Time is going by so quickly. I am so excited to meet Dutch but at the same time, this is the only time in my life that he will be in my tummy. I get to take him to work with me everyday right now. He goes with me to run errands, walk Vader, watch my favorite shows and entertain me with his karate kicks. Chad put the crib together a few weeks ago. There must be some MAN emotion that makes them very sensitive to the crib. Chad was so into this project. He wanted to do this for Dutch so badly and it was not awesome when the crib became hard to put together. Chad was losing his mind and I could hear him yelling things Dutch should not hear, from the bedroom. The good news is, he did it, and its perfect, and it FIT! As soon as Chad was done and he knew he did it, he was so happy and proud of himself.
I have had four baby showers in the last 3 weeks. I LOVE baby showers, especially when they are for my baby! Chad's sister Shauna threw me a baby shower and she is pregnant too! She is awesome and I could not believe she still wanted to do that. Chad decided at the last minute that he wanted to come too because it was all of his family. He had a blast! He did end up getting the swine flu after the shower but dont worry, I am protected because I got the H1N1 shot. It was rough, so so so rough, but he and we survived. The next shower was at my bff, Kelly's house. It was a small group of close girlfriends and some of Kellys friends who have become my friends over the years. It was so fun! Last week my work threw me a surprise shower. I had NO IDEA and it was so nice. They made me a book and everyone made a page for Dutch with either a poem or words of wisdom. I went home and read it to Chad and started bawling and laughing because I was bawling and I knew it was because I was pregnant. Chad thought I was crazy which made me laugh even harder. It was "awkward." haha :) The last shower was by my bff, Kelly again! She threw me two showers and she has just been amazing. It was my family, some of chads family (who basically is my family) and family friends and more friends from WSU and two of my co workers. It was so much fun! Dutch is so spoiled with love and presents already.
We really dont have to buy anything else besides bottles, burp rags and diapers. I just feel so happy and totally lucky to have such caring people in my life.
We had our 32 week appt yesterday and at this appt, they wanted to check my placenta to see if it has moved away from my cervix. That would mean that I would be able to deliver regularly rather than having to plan ahead for a C section. They also checked Dutch out to see how he was doing. He is GORGEOUS! His feet were crossed in front of his face so it was kind of hard to really see him. We saw his foot, which had five toes. They checked his spine and head and his heart and all the important stuff. He is beautiful. He weighs 4lbs and 8 oz so far. I am measuring at 32.8 weeks which is .6 ahead of schedule. Our midwife said it looks like he is going to have some really long legs! She also did tell us the fabulous news that my placenta has moved! Everything is all good and he is head down and all that, my placenta is out of the way, so this baby will be coming out of my...............body. OH LORD. that is scary. BUT EXCELLENT! I go through these waves of fear and then acceptance with the whole, baby is coming out of me somehow thoughts. I was talking to Chad about it last night and I said, "Chad, I am scared." He said, "well, Case....the good news is, he is coming out no matter what so there ya go."
oh about 6 weeks..............oh boy...........................................................