Wednesday, September 23, 2009

23 weeks, my detachment Saturday in Lake Chelan and my most recent doc appt

23 weeks and feeling great. I do have my moments but overall I feel healthy and excited. I will say for the California females who want to know the nitty gritty, I do get swollen feet and ankles and I am getting winded easier but like I said, it is all good. I did go on a little getaway to Lake Chelan with my friend, Kelly this last weekend as you can see from the above. The idea was that I would detach from Vader and Chad before we have a little baby and take one more weekend just for me and only me. I ended up bringing Vader because the thought of being away from him was too rough. I think I am addicted to loving him. Chad too, but he had to work so that took care of that. Kelly and I had a great time. I did some pregnant nail painting and watched her and her grandma drink wine. We really did have a great time. I had another doc appt today that was pretty basic. I heard the heartbeat again and it was just boomin. Love that. Everything else looked good and that was it. I have the gestational diabetes/glucose test next time and I also get my first Rhogam shot for RH Negative. Things are moving along! Dutch has been kicking and moving alot which I love. It is still pretty soft but it has finally gotten to the point where Chad feels it often. He usually talks to my belly when he gets home from work and Dutch loves to kick him in the face. It is awesome. Being pregnant is making me realize that I am actually living some of the happiest times in my life. Its sounds cheesy but when Chad talks to my tummy, I just think, "this is what it's all about for me." I will need to remember that when Dutch is shooting pee at me or when he sneaks out for the first time. I am also excited for the other babies in my family that are on the way and they seem to be popping out all over the place. Yay for babies!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dutch Verdieck Phillips

We had our 20 week ultra sound and it was the most incredible thing I have ever seen in my life. The technician did not tell us the sex until the end so she could take all of her measurements and so she could be 99% sure. Apparently, Chad saw the twig and berries right away when she was measuring his femur's. He did not say anything and the ultra sound went along with some ooh's and ahh's from the proud parents. It got to the end and the technician closed up on something and her and Chad just looked at me. I was like, "what?" Chad was like, dont you see it?!!! I said, "see what." He said, "it's a boy!" The Technician said, yes, you are having a boy. She circled the parts with her mouse and I still had no idea what they were talking about. It made me feel better that Chad could see it clear as day. She said she was not able to say 100% but she is as sure as she can be, 99%. Chad and I both started tearing up and it was just amazing. She gave us a few pictures and we were on our way to the next appt. where the midwife explained how perfect he already is. They did say he is a "mover" and I knew that already. I am excited for Chad to start feeling more kicks as we go along. WE LOVE YOU DUTCH!