Friday, October 30, 2009

good friday

I passed the three hour!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more worry but definately alot of eating healthy.

50 g of sugar is for pansies

The three hour glucose I was sooooo scared. First of all, my fear of giving blood has been crippling. Second of all, the fear of gestational diabetes. I had one day to digest all of this information before going to take the 3 hour test. In the midst of my panic and fear, I learned alot about gestational diabetes and I am confident Dutch will be just fine. I know it happens to women quite a bit and I have already heard alot of people say its really no big deal as long as you take care of it. Somehow I think I also figured out why I am so afraid of giving blood. I had some sort of revelation and I dont know if my theory was correct or not, but I am guessing it was because I did so great.
The test starts with a fast starting at midnight the night before. I am thinking, hey- no big deal, that just means no breakfast. I woke up sooooo hungry and headed to Group Health at 7am to do the darn thing. As I am sitting in the waiting room I notice all of the lab techs going back for their shift telling the Receptionist how tired they all are. Great, I think. They will never find my veins if they are half asleep! BUT, I kept trying to tell myself I was brave and I could do this. I think it almost helped that I was half asleep and hungry. It was a good disctraction. So I go back there and this lady explained the test and told me that if I throw up during the test then its over and I will have to come back another day. She also said, I might fall asleep in the waiting room in between blood draws and that its common to feel weak and sick. Uh............ok. She was nice enough though and she handed over the drink. This time she explained it had 100g of sugar rather than 50g and it was lime rather than orange. WHEW! That was a doozy of a drink! It was not bad, but it definately wasnt good. I was okay on the first sip thinking, I must be sick if I am not grossed out by this, but then the sugar hit me and it was not very fun to drink. But I have to say it was not a big deal at all. I almost forgot, before she gave me the drink she drew my blood. I dont know what happened or what changed in me, but I was fine. It was no pain, no worry, quick and easy blood draw. That has NEVER happened to me and I was so relieved. I started to think, I can do this.
I actually enjoyed the waiting room. Lots of people watching. During hour 2 I met a very nice lady who saw me come out of the lab and said...."oh, the 3 hour glucose test...oh boy, I had to do that." She was there with her daughter and apparently she had gestational diabetes with her third son, not her first two kids. She said it was not a big deal but he was a 10 lb baby. She said they did not know it so she had to deliver him vaginally and then she shared with me that her vagina would never be the same. Yes, she said this to me. She said this to me in front of her teenage daughter who did not even flinch.
The test consists of giving blood, then taking the drink. Then giving blood every hour for three hours. I did not really feel sick. I was a bit tired but no biggie and time seemed to go by quickly. Then it was over!
I really did learn alot about myself from this whole 3 hour test. I learned that I am way tougher than I give myself credit for. I realize that no matter what obstacles come our way, we will get through them. I am not scared to get the results because I know it will be fine either way. I think I needed the wake up call to really get healthy for Dutch. No more treating myself to sweets and sugar and crap because I am pregnant. Its not worth it. Eating healthy is just as important now than ever.
I am guessing I get my results in a few days. Stand by to stand by. :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Three hour glucose test

Just when I thought I loved the sugar drink I am quickly reconsidering. I failed my one hour glucose test so I have to do a three hour fasting glucose test. That means drinking that drink on an empty stomach and getting blood drawn every hour for three hours. I will get through it but I am very surprised that this is the route I have to go. I am sad.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week 28-Giving blood sucks

Last night Chad and I went in for the big 28 week Glucose screen and my first rhogam shot. I also got a little lecture on my weight gain which made me want to punch this student midwife in the face. I will get to that. I warn you, giving blood makes me angry so watch out here! I get to the Group Health and I have to start at the lab and drink some drink that I have heard horror stories about. From pregnancy blogs, to websites, to What to Expect When You Are Expecting, to family and friends, they all say this drink is so gross and it is hard to take down. He gives me the cup of bright orange drink and I have my first sip. I was a little embarrased that I loved it. It was delicious! Maybe because I only had oatmeal, eggs and vegetables all day in preparation for this test but I was loving it. I was joking with the guy that I appreciated the tasty treat and I wished my husband could have some. It tasted like that orange drink from soccer practice as a kid. Probably sugar and orange food coloring. haha. We went on up to the midwife appt after I drank the orange deliciousness and had to wait for a bit. I forgot to mention that when we were in the lab waiting room, Dutch was fully entertaining us both because he was moving around so much my tummy kept moving and Chad finally saw it. We were laughing so hard and it happened again upstairs waiting for the midwife. Sad to say he was probably hungry after my day of no sugar and he was kicking to say, MOMMY-EAT SOME FOOD! We head into the midwife appt and I step on the dreaded scale. I was quite happy with the number on the scale but I would get scolded later. I absolutely HATE when they ask me if a student midwife can come in with the midwife. I have said yes to this once before and the girl looked like she just woke up and hit the bong. She was hard to talk to and I felt really uncomfortable. I need to learn to say no because they once again asked the dreaded question, is it okay for the student midwife to conduct the appt today? I said yes and as we waited, Chad looked at me and said- Case, just dont ask her any questions and we will be fine. This is a lesson learned from the last student midwife appt. She came in and it was a different student but she must have taken a toke from the other student's bong. She was like a zombie and very young. The first thing she does is tell me about how I have already exceeded the ideal weight gain and I should not be eating too much. She said-you know, you should only be eating 300 calories a day, not really eating for two- and then she laughed a little bit. Um.......HELLO LADY! I read every pregnancy fact I can find! I listen to Pregtastic Podcast everyday! I know how much I should be eating and I dont give a crap! I eat when I am hungry and I exercise daily! LEAVE ME ALONE OR I WILL EAT YOU! She did measure my belly and said it was perfect. She listened to the heartbeat and said it was strong. I could go on about her but I just cant rehash the memories. I have decided next time they ask me if a student can come in, I will have to say no. I had to go down and give blood and let me tell you, this is one of my biggest fears in life. I hate it. I usually cry like a baby and feel like I am going to pass out. We do down there and Chad is already making fun of me. I was glad he was there because his teasing was making me want to proove to him I could be tough. Too bad that didnt work out. I was clenched up and not looking and the guy started the blood draw and it happened as usual. The walls started to close in on me, the room was spinning, everything turns into slow motion and I feel like I might puke. He couldnt find a vein which was just super. He kept asking me if this is how my veins always were. Um...mister- I dont say the V word while giving B. The words are a trigger! No one has ever had trouble finding a vein but today was special. Chad later speculated its probably the extra body fat. He later regreted that statement. I forgot to mention there were two screaming twins getting vaccinations in the lab and it added to the chaos. Chad was cracking up asking me if I can hear the So after the blood draw, we had to go back up and get the Rhogam shot. I didnt know how I could do anything after the trauma I just experienced. Shots dont scare me though so I started to proove my toughness again. My mother in law warned me about how bad this one hurt but I didnt think anything of it. The nurse jammed this thing into my shoulder and I sounded like the guy in 40 year old virgin getting waxed. I might have yelled the words COMO SE LLAMA and KELLY CLARKSON. BUT, it was over and Chad took me to a well deserved meal at Olive Garden. WHEW!!!! How the heck am I going to give birth. Oh yes, I am rethinking my all natural decision. I might just need those drugs after all. :)

Friday, October 16, 2009

One more week of the second trimester...the honeymoon trimester

Dont you love my PJ's? These pants are just the most comfortable and stretchy pj's in the world. I still feel great although work is getting pretty tough. I am working 10 hour days and it is really physical and although I feel like I am handling it just fine, I worry that I am going to have to slow down soon and work might not allow it. I get home with some really swollen feet and ankles but hopefully the exercise will be good for me. Dutch is still moving around alot and I am so excited to see my stomach move as he gets stronger. Everyone at the EBC (where I work) is very supportive and alot of people say hi Casey and Dutch. The girls on my team are funny and they try to make me stop carrying boxes or pushing carts. The other night one of my girls said, "Casey! Stop! You have two young girls who are not pregnant to carry those boxes!" It made me laugh and I realize that I have to listen. I have my glucose test and my Rhogam shot in a week. I always get excited for the visits to the midwife and I really dont know why. I guess it is because it is a reminder that I am growing a baby and as each appt comes, it means I am closer to meeting my little boy. Chad's sister and her husband got us a crib and I am so excited for Chad to get it all set up. I think we will start getting things ready soon but we really have not done too much. I think having a one bedroom condo is a benefit in the sense that we are not getting alot of "stuff" and I dont have to get too much ready. Someday we will have a house but for now, this will work because it has to.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dutch loves his daddy Week 25

Dutch is moving around so much and it is getting stronger and stronger. I keep making Chad try to feel the kicks and often when I tell him to put his hands on the belly, Dutch stops. That happened once again a few days ago so Chad decided to take matter into his own hands. He started singing while his hands were on the belly and sure enough Dutch started to kick pretty hard. I love to see Chad's face light up when he feels his little boy in the belly.